Sunday, October 21, 2007

Creation Concluded

I decided to begin the day with my Bible reading and blog entry today. I finished reading the rest of Genesis 2, concluding all accounts of creation.

I forgot to pray again before I started. That might explain why instead of being awed by the power and creativity of God, all I could think about was inconsistencies and contradictions. People always claim the Bible is filled with inconsistencies or contradictions, but I have yet to have anyone point them out, and I cannot find them myself.

What are these alleged flaws?

Sometimes these arguments remind me of politics. It’s not uncommon to hear an objection to policy (just as many object to God), only to discover later that the person objecting has never searched out the claims and issues, or they base their objections on false assumptions.


Kevin Masrud said...


I also have recently read Genesis a couple of times. Please get ahold of a copy of "The Genesis Record" by Dr. Henry Morris. It is a wonderful passage by passage commentary from the young earth creationist point of view. Very compelling and really brings Genesis alive. I actually have the priviledge of teaching Genesis in sunday school this year, and it's really amazing how foundational that book is to our whole faith.
Nice to find your blog, hope you all are doing well!

The Father knows best. said...

Thanks Kevin for the suggestion, I'll take a look at that book and let you know what I think. Good to hear from you, man. Pass our blessings on to the fam.