Monday, January 28, 2008


I’d love to say that I was itching to write, but I’m pretty sure I was just plain itching.

I came down with chickenpox. Apparently I had never had chickenpox as a child, and I was never vaccinated either. Ironically, I caught them from an adult who had had chickenpox as a child and was experiencing a recurrence or something known as shingles.

The good news is that I was able to spend about two weeks at home with my family. The bad news is that the first week was all blisters, itching, headaches, fevers, chills, and abdominal pain.

I’ve recovered quite a bit of lost Bible reading, and I have played numerous games with my children (Nerts). My mother-in-law spent about eight days with us; she helped out a lot and the children love having Grandma around (I have no idea how we will go back to life without her). Also, amidst all the suffering and turmoil, I answered the phone in pain to discover I had been promoted at work and received a raise. Praise God!

Anyway, there were no complications with my chickenpox, and except for a few scabs and scars there should be little physical evidence of the event. Our family is closer, however, and we definitely have a greater appreciation for our health.

So, as always, we thank God…even for the chickenpox.

Friday, January 18, 2008

A Thief in the Night

A man I once called brother was recently killed. Armed men kicked open the door and gunned him down. I say that I once called him brother because while we were definitely related, it had been quite some time since we had practiced anything that might be deemed a relationship. This almost complete absence of a relationship left me wanting with respect to the appropriate emotion for the death of a brother. Our father and grandmother are both quite saddened, but the most I can seem to muster is regret and…well, awe.

I regret that we did not have a better relationship. I regret that I did nothing to improve/develop our relationship. I regret that our society has degraded morality and human life to such extent that gunning a man down in criminal pursuits warrants little more than trivial consideration. I especially regret that he is dead.

I am awed that something as vibrant and inspiring as life can end so suddenly and pointlessly. I am awed by the fact that there is only one standard and one Judge to whom we must all answer. I am awed by the fact that my brother’s sins are no greater than mine and his forgiveness no less. I am especially awed by the will of God; He raises one up and casts another down according to His glory.

If his life did not serve You, Lord, then let his death. Have mercy on his soul, please forgive him his sins, and let Your justice reign.

I most remember his smile.

He was 38.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Resolutions for the New Year?

Lose weight
Exercise a bit everyday (if only five minutes)
Get back into running
Golf more
Read more
Write more
Study the Bible more
Pray More
Be more active in church
Submit to the Lord
Watch less television
Surf less internet
Be more productive
Take my children outside more
Play with my children more
Play with my wife more
Get swim lessons for my daughters
Get dance lessons for my daughters
Get music lessons for my daughters
Practice guitar
Help more around the house
More spirit less flesh
Eat less junk
Eat less
No soda
Focus more at work
Less “work” at home
Pursue a Masters degree
Learn more about computers
Communicate better with my family
Swear less while driving
Swear less (even to myself)
Drive safer

…believe it or not the list goes on. I was going to adjust the list according to priority, but I thought the way it came out in free flow was more indicative of my human nature. I get to thinking about all my shortcomings and get so distracted by all the things I need to do to improve myself, that I forget what is most important.

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. (Matt 6:33-34)