Saturday, March 29, 2008

Once, twice, three times a homeowner?

We have just put down our third contract on a house. Or is it the fourth? Anyway, we were having a bit of trouble; we were stuck over $5,000.

We’re not getting a lot of relevant guidance on buying a house these days. There’s no-brainer guidance, “don’t spend more than you can afford;” uhm…thanks…we hadn’t thought of that one. Then there’s old school guidance, “Your mortgage shouldn’t be more than 25% of your take home pay;” yeah right, a single income family can’t go to the movies on 25% of their take home pay. Then there’s worldly guidance, “Can’t your wife get a job;” actually…she’s got a very respectable job, and her Boss has promised her a raise.

Anyway, we asked our realtor to step out of character as our realtor, and give us her opinion as our friend. She said, that from what she had seen, our faith/kids are most important to us, and if we thought for a second that buying that house would possibly detract from that aspect of our lives, we shouldn’t do it.

We had been so busy crunching numbers and balancing ledgers that we had failed to consider that.

While we cannot see the future and can’t possibly plan for every financial possibility, we can say with confidence, more importantly we can say with faith, buying that house will not detract from our faith or the love and values of our family.

Once again we ask for prayer; not that we would get the house, but that we are walking in God’s will.

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