Sunday, April 13, 2008

There can be only One.

We did a Bible study this morning on the light that God made. It was kind of an impromptu….uh, who am I kidding….we prayed and then pulled it out of thin air.

Seriously, I wanted to talk to the girls about worldly deception, and I had planned to talk about the serpent in the garden, but things went in a different direction. Instead, we talked about light and dark…and the alleged worldly grey.

It turned out to be a very simple and easy study.

God made the light, and it was good. He divided/distinguished the light from the dark, and that was good. The Bible doesn’t say anything about grey. God said it was good. He did not say it’s good for some people, but not everyone sees things the same way, so it’s not good for others.

Truth is a common theme in the Bible; a theme the world is not very fond of. The idea that good and evil exist and are mutually exclusive of one another is not something the world is eager to embrace. I mean after all, “you will not surely die.” Even more offensive to the world is that there is only one Truth, one Light, and one Way.

It is the Truth, or it is not; it is the Light, or it is not; it is the Way, or it is not. There is no in-between. There is no grey.

As it says in the Bible, you cannot serve two masters, you will “hate the one and love the other…be loyal to the one and despise the other.” In the worldly debate over a black and white moral standard, grey is not an argument against black.

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