Wednesday, October 17, 2007

In the Beginning, Again.

I just started reading through The Bible again (because once is not enough). The first thing I noticed was my desire to find my Bible. I have links to multiple Bible translations online and we have several Bibles around our house, but I seemed fixated on my specific Bible. It stalled the process and almost angered me before I realized what I was doing.

I decided that I knew plenty of places to find God’s holy word, so I grabbed one and went to town. I read, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)

That’s it (I'll read more later...I promise).

What more do you need though, right? What a great statement of God’s being, power, personality, and wisdom. Before anything there was God, the great I AM. He created all that is seen and unseen. He didn’t just create something for Him: heaven. He created something for us, too: earth. And the heavens and the earth are no joke; they’re infinitely more complex than anything man could ever even collectively imagine.

This one statement alone commands fear, reverence, and humility.

What a way to start! My only regret is that I did not pray before I began my reading. If I am supposed to turn to God in all things, obviously the reading and understanding of the Bible is included among the “all things.” A great start, but I’ve obviously fallen behind and have a lot yet to learn.

1 comment:

Joanna said...

it's simple but something i'm not sure i've ever considered before. neat!